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HOWTO Documents

FD-DOC documents currently are:

Answers to the most frequent questions about the FreeDOS Project.

FreeDOS Manifesto
Jim Hall's original manifesto, the document that launched the FreeDOS Project in 1994. With translations.

FreeDOS Spec
The FreeDOS Spec provides detail on what platforms we support, what compilers are the reference standards, etc. Some content has also been lifted from other documents and included as appendices.

Want to contribute to the FreeDOS Documentation Project (FD-DOC)? This document tells you how.

HOWTO Template
Use this document as a template for writing your FreeDOS HOWTO documentation.

HOWTO Install
Instructions on how to install FreeDOS on your system, including how to install on DOSEmu and other PC emulators.

Advocacy HOWTO
This document provides suggestions for how the FreeDOS community can effectively advocate the use of FreeDOS.

How to install and use the Linux DOSEmu PC emulator. DOSEmu uses FreeDOS as their default DOS.

Coding HOWTO
The (draft) coding standards for the FreeDOS Project.

Distribution HOWTO
This documentation is intended not for general users, but for those who want to use the FreeDOS Install program to create their own software distributions. Details on how to create your own DOS software distribution using the FreeDOS Install program.

HOWTO Submit Patches
Article written by John Price on how to submit patches to the FreeDOS Kernel and the FreeDOS COMMAND.COM projects.

Contribution HOWTO
Suggestions for things to do. The FreeDOS Project, like any free software and open-source software project, needs your help in order to move forward. The best way to help the FreeDOS Project is to help write programs that we can distribute with it.

More are on the way!